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Friday, 25 November 2011


Since old people are familiar with Java Indonesia and find out about some of the signs to know the matchmaking. Name and date of birth that we have we can make as a tool to find out about attitudes, behavior, character or even an arranged marriage, to discover this Javanese people usually refer to Primbon. Primbon is an ancient science of Javanese people who serve as a tool to determine any characteristic of people and to look for matchmaking. However, to study the sciences in addition to requiring a long time, it also requires a certain expertise. Maybe with this application, the application made ​​by children of the nation Indonesia hopefully can help to show the characteristic in ourselves or in a person, and also helps in the matchmaking issue whether the person we choose for our candidate it is good for us. Hopefully this can help Primbon applications.
But do not forget also to remind, will use in this application is merely inspiration or can also be used just as a refreshing, do not make what is in this conclusion is made ​​as a conclusion that you really believe, your belief bole use but remember that only certain to God the almighty one. Good luck and hopefully happy.

This Primbon can be downloaded

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